open source development
Open Source Development
We have expertise in customization of some high quality open source packages. We offer a range of powerful ecommerce solutions that provide zero risk, cost effective ecommerce functionality. Rather than the expensive and risky approach of building a bespoke site from scratch we use a proven base system and simply plugs in proven modules as required. These include:- Oscommerce, X-Cart, Joomla, ZenCart, Wordpress, Moodle, phpBB, Drupal, Magento, CS-Cart etc
X-Cart Development
X-Cart is a PHP4 / PHP5 + MySQL-based secure shopping cart software with support for Smarty Templates technology. X-Cart is complete eCommerce solution ideal for any businesses who want to get their online shop ready in less time.
Our X-Cart services includes
- X-Cart Web Design/Theme Design
- X-Cart Custom Template Design
- X-Cart shopping cart development
- X-Cart module integration
- X-Cart contribution integration
- X-Cart contribution development
- X-Cart SEO
- X-Cart payment gateway integration
- X-Cart hosting
OSCommerce Development
osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution that offers a wide range of out-of-the-box features that allows online stores to be setup fairly quickly with ease, and is available for free as an Open Source.
Our osCommerce Development Services include followings
- osCommerce Web Design
- osCommerce Custom Template Design
- osCommerce module integration
- osCommerce contribution integration
- osCommerce contribution development
- osCommerce optimiztion for Search Engines
- Payment gateway integration
- Google analytics
- OSCommerce hosting
Joomla Development
Joomla! is a free, open source content management system for publishing content on the world wide web and intranets. Joomla! includes features such as page caching to improve performance, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, polls, website searching, and language internationalization
Our Joomla Services include followings:
- Customizing Joomla, Components, Modules and Tools
- Developing components, modules, plug-ins and tools
- Upgrading Joomla!
- Migrating Joomla! from 1.0.x to 1.5.x
- Web Mastering
- Joomla hosting
ZenCart Development
ZenCart is an open source online store management system. It is PHP-based, using a MySQL database and HTML components. Providing support for many languages and currencies.
Zen Cart has in build features such as Newsletter Management, Gift Certificates, Discount Coupons and other features which are useful in online marketing.
Our Zen Cart Services include followings
- Zen Cart Custom Design
- Zen Cart module integration
- Zen Cart contribution development and integration
- Zen Cart Search Engine Optimization
- Payment gateway integration
- Zen Cart hosting
Wordpress Development
WordPress is a blog publishing system written in PHP and backed by a MySQL database. WordPress supports one weblog per installation, though multiple concurrent copies may
Our WordPress Services include followings:
- WordPress Theme Design
- WordPress plugin Customization
- WordPress SEO
- Blog Promotion
- WordPress blog design integration
- WordPress customization
- WordPress custom modules development
- WordPress website maintenance
- Google Adsense and other advertising platforms
- Wordpress hosting
Drupal Development
Drupal is a free and open source modular framework and content management system (CMS) written in the programming language PHP. Drupal, like many modern CMSs, allows the system administrator to create and organize content
We offer following Drupal Development Services
- Theme Design
- Module Development
- CCK Module Customization
- SEO module integration and customization
- jReview Module integration and customization
- Drupal hosting
CS-Cart Development
CS-Cart is an excellent and affordable shopping cart solution which will help you create and manage your online shop. CS-Cart shopping cart is a turnkey solution that includes all of the necessary features and functions to build successfully an online web store. We can take your CS-Cart installation and build you a custom logo and graphics.
We offer following CS-Cart Development Services
- CS-Cart website maintenance
- CS-Cart Design Integration
- CS-Cart templates and themes development
- CS-Cart Customization
- CS-Cart custom modules development
- CS-Cart site SEO
- CS-Cart hosting
phpBB Development
PhpBB is a popular Internet forum package written in the PHP programming language. The name "phpBB" is an abbreviation of PHP Bulletin Board. We can develop any custom functionality for your phpBB forum or expand an existing mod.
Our phpBB services includes
- phpBB mod installation
- phpBB maintenance
- phpBB forum conversion
- phpBB theme development
- phpBB forum installation
- phpBB hosting
Magento Development
Magento is a new professional open-source ecommerce solution offering unprecedented flexibility and control. Magento was designed with the notion that each eCommerce implementation has to be unique since no two businesses are alike...
Our Magento Development Services Includes:
- Magento Customization
- Custom Landing Page Design
- Custom Payment Gateway
- Customization Magento Themes Design
- Magento e-Commerce Design & Development
- XHTML/CSS Enhancements
- Integration with 3rd Party Tools
- E-commerce Online Store Development using Magento Platform
- Magento Custom Modules Integration (Integration to Major Open Source CRM, ERP solution available upon
Moodle Development
Moodle,also known as a Course Management System, is designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. Its open source license and modular design means that people can develop additional functionality. Moodle can be freely adapted, extended or integrated with other software such as e-portfolio systems or learner information systems.